
Why You Should Play the Casino Kid 2 Game

Casino Kid 2 game is a sequel to the the Casino Kid franchise that is created by Sofel. The narrative of the sequel goes after the character has been declared as the King of Casino for over a year, a mystery man called the kid and told him that there will be elimination tournaments to be done in order for them to determine the best player in the whole world. The main character of the sequel must defeat new challenges and challengers to meet his main opponent.

It is interesting to say that the Casino Kid 2 game adapted an anime-style graphic with an almost similarity with the Street Fighter II graphics, since this is improved by Nintendo. Some of the games that can be enjoyed by the players are traditional blackjack plays, roulettes and poker match-ups that is both thrilling and challenging. The characters will always play their no reaction face and this graphic feature strengthen the game especially when one is playing the roulette since this type is a play of chance. Of course, Sofel does not want to make their players lose, that is why the set it with a gift of precognition wherein the player will tell something before the wheel moves. When the player recognize this feature and its importance, winning is super possible since, in some cases, the enemy is giving clues about the roulette that concerns the color and numbers.

The games for this sequel is almost the same with its prequel though the odds in the current version do not seemed to be stacked in fair manner against a player. This fact can be blamed to the AI of the computer that do no longe create miracle hands. But despite of this drawback, gamers will have lot of fun when it comes to graphics, cinematics and character sketch, due to the fact that they are colored boldly and with life. Also, the quality of the sound has been improved to create synesthesia to the gamers. The Casino kid 2 game will be commended with the fact that it did its best to surpass the name established by the first game. Also, playing this sequel will bring fun, delight and thrill to the players.
